
Neville Brody

Name: Neville Brody
Nationality: British
D.O.B: April 23rd 1957

Neville Brody had an early interest in fine arts. He studied first at Hornset College in 1975 and thereafter at London College of Printing between 1976 to 1979. Due to his interest in avant garde, his works in school were very experiemental. His lecturers in college deemed his works uncommercial and fail him. Thus, he left London College of Printing without a degree.

In 1980, Brody became the art director of Fetish Records and was in charge of designing record labels. After that, he went on to take on the same post in The Face Magazine. During this period of time, he started to develop his interest in experimental typography and played with typography while designing pages for The Face magazines. Other magazine companies he worked for after The Face included Per Lui and The Arena.

In 1990, Brody furthered his interest in experimental design and created the first issue of his own experimental typographic magazine: FUSE. The magazine was a big jumpstart for the experimental typography field of design as more designers slowly get to know about it.

Finally in 1994, Brody founded Research Studios and produced designs under his company's name. Clients of his included big companies like Macromedia who invited Research Studios to redesign the company's branding.







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